What We Do

M.E. Williams does highly technical materials testing and examination to help lower costs, boost reliability, and maximize processes.

Our specific services include:

Re-thinking products to make sure the materials and processes used are the best they can be.

Prototype Testing
Testing early prototypes to find and fix flaws prior to product launch.

Failure Evaluations
Study returned products to determine why they fail and to apply that knowledge to improve reliability, reduce warranty costs, and reduce production line down-time.

Engineering Support
Offering accurate information about materials, and processes to help in designing, manufacturing, and quality control.
  • Reviewing designs for heat treatment, finishing, and material specifications
  • Determining design flaws based on product failure analysis
  • Selecting the best materials for fabrication processes, and for products' intended use
  • Testing incoming raw materials to make sure they meet specifications
  • Testing the quality of material, heat treatment, and finishing
  • Weld and welder certification programs
  • Heat treatment facility evaluation

Forensic Testing
Determination of failure cause and origin for both manufacturing and insurance applications.
  • Car and truck fires
  • Equipment failures: engines, transmissions, brakes, headlights, tie rods,
  • Plumbing failures: fixtures, valves, pipes, and water mains
  • Metal structure failures, such as collapsed grain bins
  • Heat exchanger failures
  • Fuel tank failures
  • Refrigeration equipment failures
  • On- and off-road construction equipment failures
  • Hydraulic systems failures
  • Agricultural equipment failures
  • Amusement park equipment failures

M.E. Williams and Associates has been an excellent engineering asset for product design and development. [They have] provided professional services in reviewing existing and potential suppliers from a process and quality standpoint. [Their] professional & independent reporting has been clear and complete.
Todd Tillman, Vice President Engineering, MICO Corporation

Put our solutions to work for you

T. 800.854.6078
E. info@mewai.com